This award presented by, celebrates the art of digital animation and its close relationship to STEAM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics).

The 2020 Digital Animation Award is offered to help encourage students to cultivate skills in design and creation of animation including, but not limited to, storytelling, creativity, use of computer software, and an understanding of different techniques and forms of animation. This award is open to all FIRST Robotics Competition teams.
This Year’s Theme: Recharge!
“RECHARGE” – you can interpret this theme however you wish. It could be about how you recharge your team each season, how you recharge your batteries, how FIRST has recharged your school, your life or your community. It’s completely up to you. For this award, what you choose for a story is not nearly as important as the skill and expertise you use to tell the story. Animations that use the theme will be prioritized over videos that don’t.
2020 DAA Submission Guidelines and rules
2020 DAA Winner is (drum roll) …
TEAM1317: Judges Comments: “Professional coloring and composition, Funny, solid animation, clear story.”

2020 Judges Favorites:

Special thanks to Theory Studios for doing the Judging. Theory Studios is an award-winning Storytelling Studio crafting experiences in Animation, Commercials & Interactive Media
They asked us to pass the following comments along for some of their favorite animations because they all started where you are and remember how much they valued constructive critique along the way
(in Team number order):
Good overall animation, Good use of animation principles, good story
Appreciate the use of 2D animation, Good use of color to show emotion, good story
Good message, try to stick with either 2D or 3D through out for consistent style.
Great use of music, awesome motion and camera angles in this stylized fast paced 2D animation
Good Lighting and animation. Story clear.
Clear story, good 3D modeling animation, camera motion excessive, lighting needs improvement (brighter)
Great story, appreciate the stylized 2D animation.
Cool concept, good 3D modeling
Good use of 2D animation, great message.
Cool motion design, Good story
Appreciate the art style and animation. Story could use more clarity
Great use of modeling and lighting. Could use more subtle camera movement
Good story, nice character animation
Funny story, great use of Anime Studio, cool stylized look.
Nice use of music, good use of 2d animation
Good use of 2D animation, appreciate the use of music to set the tone
Good story and use of animation
ALL 2020 Submissions
2019 DAA Submissions 2019 DAA Winner Announcement