Distributing I/O and Pneumatics Closer to Field Devices Supports Smarter Installations

Distributing I/O and Pneumatics Closer to Field Devices Supports Smarter Installations

Electro-pneumatic I/O and solenoid systems save control panel space while simplifying installation and maintenance. Machine builders and OEMs everywhere are striving to meet customer demands to deliver smarter, more modular, and physically compact systems—often requiring more instrumentation and control points. In a Fluid Power World January/February 2024 article titled Distributed Electro-Pneumatics Streamline Equipment Designs, AutomationDirect’s…
Supplier Profile: Peninsular Cylinder, Co. | Superheroes of Cylinders
AutomationDirect SpotlightPneumaticsProductSupplier ProfilesSupplier Profiles

Supplier Profile: Peninsular Cylinder, Co. | Superheroes of Cylinders

The Marvel Cinematic Universe™ is full of superheroes with incredible powers and abilities. But even superheroes need the right tools and equipment to get the job done. Just like how Iron Man’s suit is equipped with hydraulic and pneumatic systems, Peninsular Cylinder Co.’s cylinders can provide the necessary power and precision for your machinery to…
Vacuum Gripper Advantages

Vacuum Gripper Advantages

Modular gripper system kits provide a versatile way for designers and OEMs to quickly create material handling and robot end-of-arm tooling solutions. Many types of industrial equipment must reliably pick-and-place products, materials, containers, and other objects to perform their functions. Designers now have new options to accelerate creation of these gripping solutions, as explained by…
Old Reliable Just Got a Little Smarter
Content CollectionsPneumaticsProduct

Old Reliable Just Got a Little Smarter

When we think of pneumatics we think of simple, reliable, easy to troubleshoot, easy to fix, and just all-around something that always gets the job done and always works. It is no wonder why either since in manufacturing facilities, compressed air is so widely used that it is often regarded as the fourth utility after…
Upgrading Pneumatic Machinery with IIoT
CommunicationsPneumaticsProductProgrammable Control

Upgrading Pneumatic Machinery with IIoT

OEMs making pneumatic machinery are delivering greater value to their end users by integrating smart solenoid manifolds and cloud-capable PLCs. Kevin Kakascik, Technical Marketing Engineer with AutomationDirect, wrote an article for the November 2021 issue of Hydraulics & Pneumatics titled The Age of Intelligent Pneumatics. It shows how OEMs can use intelligent solenoid manifolds and…
Upcycling with Automation
ApplicationApplication StoriesIssue 47 -2022Machine ControlOpen SourcePneumaticsPneumaticsProduct

Upcycling with Automation

An innovator found a way to upcycle bottle caps into extraordinary products, an activity that also helps support local children’s charities. By applying practical AutomationDirect devices and components, he has efficiently scaled up production. When Nathan Rues started a hobby of collecting bottle caps while in college, little did he know that one day this…
Solenoid Valve Banks Provide Machine Automation Options

Solenoid Valve Banks Provide Machine Automation Options

Networked electro-pneumatic solenoid banks can be distributed on machines for better control and more efficient installations. Kevin Kakascik, Technical Marketing Engineer with AutomationDirect, wrote an article for the June 2021 issue of Fluid Power World titled Distributed Electro-Pneumatics Maximize Machine Automation Options. It examines how intelligent solenoid manifolds save space, minimize installation effort, and provide…
What is a Solenoid Valve?

What is a Solenoid Valve?

Valves are fundamental devices for controlling gas and liquid flow, and adding solenoids enables them to be remotely controlled and automated. Valves come in many shapes and sizes and are a basic type of mechanical component used in all manner of equipment, machinery, and processes. Valves can physically be opened or closed completely, and sometimes…
Solenoids Enable Equipment Automation

Solenoids Enable Equipment Automation

Designers need familiarity with the variety of solenoid technologies used to upgrade equipment for remote operation and automation. Kevin Kakascik, Technical Marketing Engineer, and Pat Philips, Fluid Power Product Manager, both with AutomationDirect, wrote an article for the January 2021 issue of Design World. The article is titled Upgrading Equipment with Solenoids, and discusses solenoid…