1. Light Weight

The AutomationDirect DL05 PLC weighs 4.5 ounces plus half its own weight. How much does it weigh?

2. A Puzzling Journey

I’ve been warned about a journey I must take in the next few years. The details are very sketchy, but I’m told that the whole trip can be mapped out using a familiar grid pattern. This is a grid everyone knows about and uses, but no one can alter.

I’ve been given starting coordinates of 7, 7, 7. First, I’m to travel 398 grid units to position 8, 8, 8. Then I must continue in the same direction another 397 units to 9, 9, 9. It’s impossible to retrace my path, so I will travel another 396 units to 10, 10, 10. I’m only allowed to spend one day at each stop.

What is this grid, and how long will my journey last?

3. SuDoku

Oops, we goofed! There was a mistake in the SuDoku puzzle in the printed version of our magazine. The bottom right box contains a “9” where there should be a “3”. Our sincere apologies. The corrected puzzle is below:

SuDoku is somewhat like a crossword puzzle, but it uses numbers instead of letters.

The rules are simple: Fill in the empty squares so that every row, every column, and every 3×3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

No math is required. Logic is all you need.

Here is a “mild” SuDoku…


 Click Here for Brainteaser Answers


Royal Misunderstanding

Several years ago, the systems integration company where I was working decided to begin selling an internally developed software product. Never having sold any products before, we contracted a marketing firm to produce a brochure for our product. We had looked at countless “mock-ups” and redesigned the piece several times before we were ready to have a quantity printed. Rick, my contact with the marketing firm, told me that prior to printing 5,000 copies, we should spend a few more dollars and have a super-high-quality print made to look just like the finished product. Additionally, his artists could use these ‘prints’ to verify that everything would go smoothly once it went to press. Rick told me about a high-end digital printer called an “Iris”, and recommended a service bureau that had an Iris machine and would make our printouts for a nominal fee. I asked him to send the graphic file to the bureau and obtain the prints.

The following day, I returned from lunch to find our office in turmoil. The receptionist was busy cleaning, and several other employees were straightening the offices and main conference room. Our maintenance man was even cleaning the windows. When I asked what the occasion was, the receptionist was noticeably upset with me and said, “You could have at least warned us! Rick called and left you a message while you were at lunch. He’s picking up the Irish Prince, and he’ll be here by 1:30 this afternoon!”

It took me a minute to realize what had happened, and much longer to calm everyone down and explain the misunderstanding. I’ll never know why they didn’t bother to question the idea of a prince visiting an automation systems integrator. When Rick arrived, we all had a good laugh, and admired the Iris prints. I think everyone was a little disappointed though, after having prepared for the royal visit.