Contrinex: Lighting the Way for Women CEOs
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Contrinex: Lighting the Way for Women CEOs

In Switzerland, where just over 4% of companies have women as their CEO, Contrinex stands out with Annette Heimlicher leading the organization. Even in the Fortune 1000 companies, women  represent only 5.2% of the CEO position. This demonstrates how Contrinex is at the forefront of the world’s largest companies. Since 2012, Heimlicher has held the position of CEO…
Online News: We’ve added more videos to our YouTube channel.
+Tech TopicsLearning ResourcesOnline OnlyProductSafety

Online News: We’ve added more videos to our YouTube channel.

In celebration of  National Safety Month we thought we would highlight some of our most recent YouTube additions including some videos related to our safety products. First is a quick summary of the safety components and protective wear we offer. [hozbreak] [videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”560″ height=”315″ url=”” id=”phFRnWvwt-Q”]   [hozbreak] We’ve also added an overview…
Safety Light Curtains
+Tech TopicsAutomation NotebookFYIIssue 19 – 2011Learning ResourcesNotebook IssueProductSafety

Safety Light Curtains

Safety light curtains are an advanced method of safeguarding personnel around hazardous machines through the use of photoelectric technology and a concept known as Control Reliability. Safety light curtains are a great alternative to other traditional guarding methods such as mechanical barriers, sliding gates and pull-back restraints; they reduce operator fatigue and offer flexibility and…