We hope you will enjoy this quick Christmas video from all of us at AutomationDirect. We sincerely want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! Also, if you have time, the story below talks about how we get all the cool animations for our videos…
[videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”640″ height=”360″ url=”https://youtu.be/X4uieZMIVi0″ id=”X4uieZMIVi0″]
Cool Story About Our Holiday Video…
Many of you might know that AutomationDirect has been sponsoring our county school system’s involvement in several Robotics programs, starting with a team in the FRC division of the FIRST organization’s World competition eight years ago. It got off the ground because a local high school student and his friend wanted to start a team and approached our company about sponsorship. The synergy made so much sense that we have been the major supporter of the program ever since, and the interest has been so explosive that, for this school season, there are now over 100 teams in our county schools, from elementary to high school, covering FIRST, VEX, BEST and MATE competitions. The students’ excitement has encouraged many to graduate and continue to college to study for STEM careers. And the “closing of the loop” happened this summer when we hired that first student whose enthusiasm launched the program – Chris Folea is now our Visual Effects specialist on the Marketing team. Chris spent every summer and Christmas break during high school and college working as an intern at AutomationDirect, bringing his animation skills to the emerging field of video as a marketing tool. He graduated this spring from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia, and we convinced him to make AutomationDirect at least his first stop on what promises to be a stellar career in animation. For other examples of Chris’ work, see the “How to Buy a PLC” and “Big PLC job on a little PLC budget?” videos at www.youtube.com/automationdirect.
More Examples of Chris’ Work…
[two_columns ][videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”320″ height=”180″ url=”http://youtu.be/PpVT2mZ-3-A” id=”https://youtu.be/PpVT2mZ-3-A”][/two_columns] [two_columns_last ][videoembed type=”youtube” align=”aligncenter” width=”320″ height=”180″ url=”https://youtu.be/rNOoyOGBFK4″ id=”https://youtu.be/rNOoyOGBFK4″][/two_columns_last]