Have you heard of ChatGPT™? What about Google Bard™? These AI interfaces are changing the way we search for information online. Using these AI chats is easy, all you do is enter what you are looking for and the AI engine will scour the internet for that information and provide answers that are well put together. I wanted to see for myself what they could do, so I tried a few queries with Google Bard (bard.google.com). First, I asked it to “create an essay on the industrial revolution.” It came back with a 600-word essay that looked better than what I would probably do on my own. Next, I got a little more job specific and asked Bard to “create PLC code for level control.” I got some basic control logic that was simple but would actually do the job. Finally, I decided to see if it could do one of my tasks as a Technical Marketer. I asked it to “build an advertisement for the CLICK PLC.” To my surprise, I got back not one but three good ads, so it looks as though I may be unemployed soon 😊. These search engine AI interfaces are not perfect and some of the information could be wrong or incomplete. However, AI technology is something to keep an eye on and with the pace of innovation, AI could become a formidable force in the near future for much more than just search engines.
This issue of NOTEBOOK is loaded with informative articles such as our Tech Brief, which takes a closer look at HMIs and what they can provide. We also have a great Cover Story on how micro-PLCs are making motion control easy and cost effective. The User Solution covers how the AutomationDirect StrideLinx VPN router allowed Sonny’s Car Wash personnel to support operations remotely. Our Student Spotlight shows how University of Colorado—Colorado Springs (UCCS) students designed and tested an automated still controller for a local craft distillery. For information about exciting events happening in and around AutomationDirect, including some recent product awards, take a look at our Business Notes. In this issue there is also information on our newest products, such as C-more CM5 high-performance HMIs, the new Productivity2000 P2-622 CPU, Endress+Hauser Waterpilot submersible level sensors, and more. As always, the Break Room is stocked with fun brainteasers so see how many puzzles you can solve and compare your answers at www.automationnotebook.com