Learning how to catch and clean a fish, how to change a flat tire, and how to drive a stick shift are some of the many important life lessons I learned over my years. Those lessons have served me well, but at this stage of my life I have found another, equally important lesson and that is how to master a great dad joke. I once didn’t appreciate the value of a dad joke and would often react with eyerolling or sighs of embarrassment. But now with a family of my own, I have become one of the great arbiters of “cringe”. At least that’s what my teenagers call it these days. I have no shame for telling dad jokes, after all, these jokes are an extremely important foundation of society. Just think of a world without this gem, “What has four wheels and flies?…A garbage truck” or this one, “Which bear is the most condescending?…A pan-duh” or my father-in-law’s favorite, “It’s 30 degrees outside but they say it’ll be 12 at midnight!” Sometimes it’s the little joys in life, like the panic in your son’s eyes when you tell his friends, “Wait, I have a good one”, that make it all worthwhile. So, remember to do your part for society’s sake and take a moment here and there to get your “cringe” on. And don’t worry, you can still tell dad jokes even if you’re not a dad, it just makes you a faux pa!
This issue of NOTEBOOK is loaded with informative articles such as our Tech Briefs, which discuss the time-saving Modbus Scanner feature of Do-more PLCs and how the IIoT is only as good as the fieldbus you use. We also have a great Cover Story on how modern PLCs go way beyond basic control and provide many edge computing capabilities. The User Solution covers how a cheese manufacturer developed in-house automation capabilities to keep legacy equipment running and how AutomationDirect components were used to upgrade a camping resort’s waterpark control systems. Our Student Spotlight shows how Eagle Motorsports and Georgia Southern University have been using AutomationDirect products to collect valuable data on automotive suspension systems. For information about exciting events happening in and around AutomationDirect, check out our Business Notes. In this issue there is also information on our newest products, such the ProductivityCODESYS CPU, LS Electric XGB PLC, LS Electric EtherCAT servo systems, Toshiba motors, Endress+Hauser Picomag series flowmeters, and more. The Break Room has a fun and challenging crossword puzzle, so see if you can complete it and compare your answers at https://library.automationdirect.com/brain-teasers-issue-51-2024/